10 Rhetorics of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)

ABA Controversy Autism Discussion

ABA Rhetoric #1: ABA interventions are the most evidence-based effective autism intervention

Actually evidence for ABA programmes is overwhelmingly poor and considered low/ very low and this was confirmed once again by a May 2018 Cochrane review . A good resource that is updated periodically and includes research that is independent and by national organisations against ABA, such as the Cochrane review, is this article.

You can also follow #ABAResearch on Twitter for up to date and triggering ABA research, where punishments, aversives and stopping of harmful stims is widespread in the field today.

Also, at the time of writing this, Ambitious about Autism, who run two ABA schools and an ABA college around London states on its website that “there is very little research about how ABA is applied in ABA schools” and they don’t know why or when ABA will help or harm.

This poor quality evidence…

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Published by Autism Candles

My name is Nathan Young. I'm the founder of the Autism Candles project. I am a self-advocate. The candle project exist to make a statement about inclusion and opportunity. My email is nathan@autismcandles.com. Feel free to contact me. https://www.autismcandles.com
