A Trip to the Grocery Store: From Mundane to Meaningful

that cynking feeling

It was a typical Tuesday night. After supper, my son and I went to the grocery store.
The end.

This week over at The Daily Press, WordPress initiated a new, weekly writing challenge. The inaugural theme is “From Mundane to Meaningful.”

Since Philip was diagnosed with autism, I’ve learned to appreciate the little things. Philip experiences the world differently from me. Ordinary objects can capture his attention for extended periods of time. He notices details that I overlook.

Parenthood didn’t turn out as I expected, but that hasn’t been a bad thing. What may be commonplace for a typically developing child is cause for celebration when your child has encountered delays. Banal activities take on more significance when your child has autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. A trip to the grocery store isn’t just a regular-old trip to the grocery store. It is an opportunity.

I was…

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Published by Autism Candles

My name is Nathan Young. I'm the founder of the Autism Candles project. I am a self-advocate. The candle project exist to make a statement about inclusion and opportunity. My email is nathan@autismcandles.com. Feel free to contact me. https://www.autismcandles.com
