Everyday Moments – (#SOL-2020)



It is 8.45 at night and it has been raining for more than an hour. God only knows from where the rain clouds have come. It was very cloudy and the day was very hot. In the evening we went to the temple park for a walk and the clouds became darker and we started hearing the thunder, loud and rumbling. It started drizzling by 7.30 and after some time it was pouring. I don’t remember it raining like this in December. This year!!

My cousin’s father-in-law passed away due to Covid and his wife is in the hospital. They live in the village far away from any crowd. It was shocking to hear the news. People are becoming careless because many have had mild symptoms. And many believe there is nothing to worry about. But each person is affected differently. Someone told us that many attend social and…

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Published by Autism Candles

My name is Nathan Young. I'm the founder of the Autism Candles project. I am a self-advocate. The candle project exist to make a statement about inclusion and opportunity. My email is nathan@autismcandles.com. Feel free to contact me. https://www.autismcandles.com
